Originally trained in pediatrics and public health, Sayantani DasGupta teaches in the Graduate Program in Narrative Medicine, the Institute for Comparative Literature and Society and the Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race, all at Columbia University. She writes and speaks on issues of race, gender, health and social justice.
"The arts and humanities aren't just there to be consumed when we have a free moment. We need them like medicine. They help us live." - President Barack Obama
Watch Sayantani's recent TEDxSLC talk: "Narrative Humility: Listening as Social Justice"
Click to Watch 140 character's conference talk: "From Losing the Weight to Losing the Hate: A Pediatrician's Take on Toxic Body Culture"
Watch "Stories are Good Medicine" talk from BIF-6
4 Female South Asian Writers, Activists, and Thought Leaders to [Re]Discover in 2015
Arundhati Roy, Sayantani DasGupta, Chtra Banerjee Divakaruni and Ania Loomba
Many look up to the work and talents of the global celebrity populace, but the unsung heroes of our communities are the activists, writers and thought leaders...read more
Ms. Magazine Cover
Sayantani appeared with her mother on the November/December 1992 cover of Ms.Magazine, for an article"Hottest New Teams: Feminist Mothers and Daughters."
“The Family of Women” (Abbeville Press)
Sayantani, her mother and grandmother were featured in the 1999 book by photographer Carolyn Jones
Featured in Oprah Magazine
How Storytelling is Changing The Way Doctors Treat Illness
By Abigail Rasminsky
Sayantani Dasgupta, MD, who teaches narrative medicine at Columbia University, says the key to sharing your health history is thinking of it as a story ...read more
Sayantani Dasgupta, MD, who teaches narrative medicine at Columbia University, says the key to sharing your health history is thinking of it as a story ...read more